Lightweight PHP Schedule Maker
- PHP files - all the php files zipped up
- schedule.css - this is my css file, which you can modify
- sampleschedule.html - my schedule embedded in another html page
This is a fairly lightweight PHP schedule maker (intended primarily for academic uses). Some knowledge of HTML, PHP and CSS is required to use this package, as there is no tutorial of any kind included here. It's all pretty much self-explanatory. I'd recommend just going over and modifying the source code.There are two PHP classes defined in scheduleMaker.php, ScheduleMaker and Event. The ScheduleMaker class manages a list of Events and outputs the entire schedule into html form. The Event class holds information for a single event. Look in the sampleschedule.php file for usage patterns of the two classes.
The sampleschedule.php file is embedded in another webpage for formatting simplicity. sampleschedule.html contains an IFRAME which references sampleschedule.php. Most styles are found in schedule.css (some are hard coded into the PHP ScheduleMaker class).
NOTE - make sure the begin time for ScheduleMaker is sufficiently ahead of the first Event. This will allow enough space on top for the week labels (Monday, Tuesday, etc).